Saturday April 5th, 5 – 8pm Tilghman Fire Hall
This picture shows two young boys pushing their dip nets through greass under water to catch soft crabs, peelers, and “doublers”, which is Eastern Shore slang were called “Channie Ike.”
This piece of art tells the story of six men fishing a Pound Net. The equipment they used and the hard work these men endured.
Two workboats, fish skiff, and anything that we needed pertaining to poundnetting. We would leave from Tilghman and set course for Turkey Point, at the mouth of the Northeast River.
These boats would be purchase oysters from watermen operating tonging and dredge Boats. Sometimes staying as many as three or four days before getting a load of oysters to take down the bay for processing. As many as three or four buy boats would be here at one time.
The fun really didn’t begin until the bell would ring, ending the school day. It was a race to get to the bay shore to go swimming.
This piece of art work has been created with a palette knife, as you can see I have tried to make this picture as stormy as possible.
Bill Cummings was a Tilghman native whose art recalls a time lost on Tilghman. Painting from only his memory, his images show us a Tilghman many of us have never seen. While we highlight six of his prints below, 20 prints are available for sale in our Shop. His self written biography… I was born […]